Table of Contents
Foobar is an incredible lightweight music player with media database that can be configured to one's heart content and various plugins and addons are available. While it is a windows app, it works well under wine in Linux.
Installation under wine from previous Windows install
mkdir ~/.foobar2000 cp c:/users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/foobar2000/* ~/.foobar2000 apt-get install wine:i386 winetricks wine foobar-install.exe
Use this folder as installation directory, replacing username with the actual linux username Z:/home/<username>/.foobar2000
then select portable install. The hidden directory is not browseable, so enter it in the path box manually.
Install winetricks manually:
cd "${HOME}/Downloads" wget chmod +x winetricks sudo cp winetricks /usr/local/bin cd "${HOME}/Downloads" wget sudo cp winetricks.bash-completion /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/winetricks
Use winetricks to set the wine prefix to 32bit, windows 10 and install gdiplus:
Either through gui:
winetricks --gui
winetricks settings win10 winetricks gdiplus
#set pseudo drive mappings to be in line with windows drive mappings
WINEARCH=win32 winecfg
#set W: as /media/music
#set S: as /media/downloads
#Gnome integration as per:
sudo gedit /usr/bin/foobar2000
#!/bin/sh cd ~/.foobar2000/ if [ "$1" != "" ]; then filename=`echo z:$1 | sed 's/\\//\\\\/g'` wine foobar2000.exe "$filename" & else wine foobar2000.exe & fi
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/foobar2000
#save a png icon for foobar as /usr/share/icons/foobar2000.png
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/foobar2000.desktop
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=foobar2000 GenericName=Plays Music Version=1.0 Encoding=UTF-8 Terminal=false Exec=env PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 /usr/bin/foobar2000 Comment=Plays Music Icon=/usr/share/icons/foobar2000.png Categories=GNOME;GTK;AudioVideo;Audio;Player; StartupWMClass=foobar2000.exe
Updating portable installation under wine
- Make a backup before and/or after the upgrade of the foobar folder using
tar cvzf foobar2000.portable.`date +'%Y-%m-%d'`.linux.tgz ~/.foobar2000
- Start the installer using
wine foobar2000_v1.6.16.exe
- Select portable installation
- enter the following destination folder, replacing username with the actual linux username
- When prompted use the separate user-components folder.
Restore backup
tar -xzf file_name.tar.gz -C /
Disable Wine conf update
If a message like “The Wine configuration in /path/to/.wine is being updated, please wait…” pops up every time foobar is started, the following can help do disable updates:
#echo 'disable' > $WINEPREFIX/.update-timestamp echo 'disable' > .wine/.update-timestamp
Foobar2000 2.0 notes
Text Display addon is not compatible with 64bit Foobar, but works with 32but Foobar v2.0. Possible alternative:,64478.225.html
Album List white background.
Run Services component
The “Run services” component can be used to add specific commands to the context menu like opening the folder in nemo:
Label: Open file directory in Nemo Path: Z:\usr\bin\xdg-open "$replace(%path%,'\','/','Z:',,%filename_ext%,)" Z:\usr\bin\xdg-open "$replace(%path%,'\','/','W:','/media/music/',%filename_ext%,)"